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—— Carlos
—— Manuel
—— Maria
Difference between EDTA chelate and AMINO ACID chelate:
1. EDTA which high cost, it will make soil become worse and worse to use year by year. To make soil become harden, The farmers need to dig up soil every year, But its effects is obviously for crops in a short period of time.
2. EDTA which is non nutrients fertilizer, non organic fertilizer, it is a easy synthetic compounds, which do not provide nutrients to plants.
3. AMINO ACID CHELATE which is nutrient fertilizer, which is 100% organic fertilizer, which is water soluble and nontoxic to plants when applied as directed, its price is cheaper than EDTA, it will make soil become soft to use longtime, to supplement crops soil nutrients, amino acids, trace elements, while its effects for crops is not faster than EDTA. The farmers can see effects after 7-10 days to use.
4. EDTA has emerged as a persistent pollutant. It is resistant to environmental degradation. It is capable of long range transport and bio-accumulate in human and animal tissue, raising concerns for human health and the environment.