Studies over the years have shown that amino acid fertilizers can promote the absorption of nutrients by crops and increase the content of nutrients in crops.
Zahir et al. Found that a certain concentration of tryptophan would significantly improve the absorption of N by potatoes and the concentration of N, P and K in tubers, but had no effect on the yield of potato tubers and straw and the absorption of P and K. Arshad et al. [19] showed that soil application of a certain concentration of tryptophan would significantly improve the plant height, dry matter quality of stems and roots and biomass of cotton, increase the number of branches, flowers and bolls per plant, and increase the concentration of N, P and K in cotton tissue. Chen Zhende et al. Studied the effect of soil application of L-tryptophan on the yield and nutrient absorption of potted cabbage. The results showed that soil application of L-tryptophan one week before transplantation could significantly improve the yield and dry matter accumulation of cabbage, significantly promote the absorption of N, P, K by cabbage plants, improve the distribution of N, P in bulb leaves, and reduce the accumulation of K in bulb leaves.
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